Line Item 23:

                Member Self Defense Course

Definition of activity: Women and other members could learn valuable lessons that could save their lives. Shows that SPEEA values women and the need to for them to protect themselves. Service to member's and their families

Objective and how the objective will be met: The Self-Defense class will be taught by a Master of Taekwondo.

Clear description of the benefit to members: Help Women/Girls to learn how to defend themselves, look for unsafe situations, and to get away from danger.

Clear description of how the item fits your committee’s charter: Provides a focus for the Northwest Region on those problems and issues of particular concern to women employees and the Regional membership’s families.


Line Item 48:

                Labor Forum Events

Labor history and current issues forums for delegates and activists, to provide instructive labor history / context  and relevant current information for union members that may benefit as learning to be shared with the council and general membership via committee & council reports, newsletter articles, etc.  Funds are for mileage and parking.


Line Item 62:

                WA YELL Event

                Definition: Engage new union activist in the Washington State area and collectively start a movement to equip and mobilize them to be our future union leaders. 

Benefits: NHC participation in a WA YELL event or two would better equip and give us new ways of engaging and reaching out to our new members who work at Boeing.

Charter purview: Part of the NHC charter is "This committee will work with the NW Council in developing methods of outreach to new members coming into SPEEA." as well as "Developing new members into future SPEEA leaders."

                The $500 will be used for travel, registration and food cost for 2-4 members to participate as a way to connect to the WA YELL organization to engage with new union activists especially in the Washington State.


Line Item 63:

                Intern Event

This event is a social event for interns during the summer.  This last year we hosted Ultimate Frisbee events both up North and down South.  We expect to be able to have events capable of catering to 50 interns.  The funds will go to any park rental fees to support an event and food for the interns.


Line Item 64:

                New Hire Event

The plan for this event is to allow new hires to socially interact outside of the union hall and feel good about doing something sponsored by SPEEA.  This will be an event held during the winter months, so the idea is to do something indoors, such as bowling, Gameworks, skating, or something similar.  We expect to be able to fully fund 100 new hires for this event and 200 if we partially fund.  The funds will be used to cover or partially cover the cost of the event.


Line Item 71:

                Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament (since 2012 was a success, we got comments that it would have been nice to discuss their experiences over lunch or snacks afterwards to network with the participants and members so that we can build solidarity and camaraderie among union members.)

                Definition:  Build solidarity and camaraderie among SPEEA members in a venue of golf and provide membership involvement and participation to the SPEEA membership.

Benefits: Build solidarity and camaraderie among the NW Members.  Not many activities for NW SPEEA members to participate in.

                Charter purview: Part of the MAC charter is "Responsible for planning, implementing and providing social activities for the Northwest regional membership."

                The funds will go to partial funding of the tournament, snacks to go, snacks for social hour after, a gift bag, and trophies.  This will be for 60 members.


Line Item 72:

                Hockey Tickets

                Hockey Tickets (Provide discounted Thunderbirds and SilverTips)

                Definition:  Build solidarity and camaraderie among SPEEA members and promote membership involvement and participation to the SPEEA membership.

                Benefits: Build solidarity and camaraderie among the NW Members.  Not many activities for NW SPEEA members to participate in.

                Charter purview: Part of the MAC charter is "Responsible for planning, implementing and providing social activities for the Northwest regional membership."

                Funds will go to either offset the tickets cost or provide snack tokens for the game ($5 per member is the expected cost).  Plus about $100 in door prizes for each event to promote member participation.


Line Item 92:

                Workplace Activities

                About 10 lunchtime activities throughout the year to keep members informed of things like open enrollment, upcoming SPEEA events, etc.  The funds will be used for treats (like candy) to give out at the tables.